The Arts
Program Members
Sande Bell, Chair
Beverely Elliott, Co-Chair Felicia Jackson
MJ McGlory
Dinah McGlory
Aalia Shaheed
DeAnna Yarbrough
The goal of the Arts facet is to increase and expand art activity and elevate our programs through arts integration and effectively create an arts renaissance within our organization and programmatic efforts.
- 2020 Event – “Two Women who Did”. Cascading event with NT&S Facet to assist with sponsoring an integrated community program which includes the following:
- Recognition of community advocates, building a pipeline of young ladies and encouraging Giving Back to their communities (Philanthropy)
- Bring a daughter, granddaughter or adopt-a-daughter for the day to lunch to hear about a woman who made a difference in STEM, Medicine, Education, ART, etc.)
- Young Master Writer’s Program 2020
- Theme: Interview with Myself. Our facet is working with a group of African-American female high school students for this year’s YMWP. The students are receiving complimentary journals to help them through the writing program as they “interview” themselves. We are providing hands on attention and writing guidance to help the students with their essays and to give them tips that will help them in the college application process.