Services to Youth
Program Members
Styne Hill, Chair
Aaila Shaheed
Pamela Fleming
Ruykia Higgins
Cesanee Johnson
Minnette Powell
Sherry Cook
Our Services to Youth facet members, have committed to preparing at least one (1) Links Kit for someone in need (a family member, one of our Link Sisters, or whomever we deem as needing assistance). The contents may differ, but the goal is to meet the needs of many people (young and old) that can’t get out to shop in the long lines at the stores. Gas cards, wipes or even soup helps! We are doing our part!
In December 2019 , the Tucson chapter of The Links, Incorporated also established a National Society of Black Engineer (NSBE) Jr. Chapter with Mansfeld Magnet Middle School of the Tucson Unifed School District (TUSD). Our Sponsor is Raytheon Technologies. We appreciate all of the assistance from our sponsors and community partners to meet this great accomplishment Mr. Jimmy Hart TUSD’s Director of African American Student Services and Mr. Eric Brown a teacher at Mansfeld Magnet Middle School.
Below, please find the other goals of our Service to Youth program.
- Goal 1: Deploy a Mentoring/Awareness Campaign on Anti-Bullying
- Goal 2: Partnerships & Integrated Facet Goals: NT&S – Registration and Mentors for UA Students Welcome Back Program; STY / ITS – Advocates for TUSD’s Tucson Educational Enrichment for Minorities and H&HS – Health services: Colgate Dental program; Sarver Heart for Women of Color Outreach